Jersey In The Fall: Apple Picking & Pumpkins

Disclaimer: We wore our masks, and I took mine off in order to take these fabulous photos. Then, I put it back on :)

As a lifelong NJ native, I have to admit I’ve always admired the usual fall activities, but wasn’t a major participant, until this year. Covid (aka “The Ronies”) has really put a lot of things into perspective, and with a limited amount of activities to partake in, I wasn’t about to let such simple ones pass me by.


The pumpkin patch was an annual field trip in elementary school. Any field trip was exciting, but not all of them came with souvenirs! Selecting the right pumpkin came at the end of our trip, after the hayride, and cider. We never carved pumpkins at home, but having a nice pumpkin sitting on the table for a few weeks was one of those simple pleasures that children enjoy. In fact, I now have several pumpkins throughout my home.

This year, I decided to take an apple picking, and pumpkin patch field trip, but the day we went to the orchards, the apples weren’t ripe, so we could only get pumpkins. We had to go back two weeks later for apples. Of course, this was a photoshoot opportunity, and having two different outfits for two separate trips was an added bonus. We visited Eastmont Orchards in Colts Neck. I’ve passed by numerous times, and the traffic to get in on the weekends is insane. Luckily, not having a full time job ensured I could get weekday visits.

Jewelry: Tvictoria


I Got My Lips Done

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become meticulous about maintaining my appearance. I’ve had bags, and circles under my eyes since I was a teen. The bags reduced significantly once I changed my diet. Cutting out dairy, improved my skin, and cutting down on salt improved the bags under my eyes. However, I once the bags were gone, I realized the darkness wasn’t just circles, it was a shadow caused by hallow under eyes. No matter how much concealer I applied, it wouldn’t go away.

There is a method of applying highlighter at the top of the cheekbone, to cause a reflection, and mask the hallowness, but I wasn’t going to do a full face of makeup every day, and the plumping serums weren’t long term. I looked for another solution, and decided to get some dermal filler. I made my appointment, and got a half syringe of Radiesse split between both eyes. Since you had to buy the full syringe, and whatever you don’t use goes to waste, the doctor offered to inject other parts of my face. He examined my face to see if I needed filler in any other places, but I didn’t. He offered to put the rest in my lips, and I declined. I was good with just my eyes. They weren’t perfect, but it was an improvement. You don’t want to over fill them, because you risk creating a bubble. It lasted about two years, until I felt I needed a refill. But by that time, we were in the midst of Covid-19 (aka “The Ronies”), a lockdown, and the doctors’ offices were closed. When they reopened, most other places were still closed, and I didn’t think it made sense so get it done, because, well…THERE WAS NOWHERE TO GO!!!

Eventually, I gave in, since I was going to be doing photoshoots regularly for my online boutique. Plus, I believe in doing whatever you need to do to feel good when you look in the mirror, as long as the work looks good. This time, I was looking forward to getting the extra filler in my lips. I didn’t think I needed it, but my lips were slightly less full than in my younger years, and I was interested in trying it out. Since I was already paying for the full syringe anyway, I didn’t want it to go to waste this time. I wasn’t going to waste good filler in the midst of a pandemic. The doctor went with Juvederm this time, since I expressed interest in getting my lips filled. Again, I only needed a half syringe split between both eyes. Then, the doctor prepared me for the lips. He warned that the lips are very sensitive, and the pain would be much more intense. I could handle the pain from the eye injections. It was a tiny pinch, and slight discomfort and pressure from the filler being injected.

I was NOT prepared for the pain from the lips. He offered me some Nitrous Oxide. I initially declined, then thought about it, and requested it. After a few deep inhales of N2O, and holding a squeeze ball, the injecting began.

JESUS CHRIST, it was horrific!!!!

It was just as bad as the Novocaine needle from the dentist. In fact, since the lips are soft, you can REALLY feel the needle in your lips. He told me not to get freaked out if they swell overnight. That’s normal. I didn’t have any swelling immediately following the injections, but the injection points were sore. I was pleased that they weren’t too big, and I just got a little bit on the top to give me a philtrum, and some on each side of the bottom lip to fill them out, and make them symmetrical.

A few hours later, the swelling began, and I was regretting having it done. It didn’t help that I had a bit too much wine the night before, and the drinking makes the swelling even worse. I put an ice cube in a ziploc bag, and iced my lips until the ice melted. I did this twice that day, and took Benedryl before bed. I woke up hoping the swelling would be gone. NOPE! The following day was full of ice every 3 hours, one Benedryl which I hated, because it made me drowsy during the day, and no wine. I applied Aquaphor regularly. I was supposed to start shooting the clothes for my boutique, but obviously couldn’t with a swollen face. I texted my assistant, and told him we would have to postpone until the next day. I woke up the next day, and the swelling wasn’t nearly as bad, but the injection sites were still swollen. I bought some Claritin-D from Target, and took one with the hopes it would go down before that afternoon when we started shooting. That, plus the ice did a decent job, and 48 hours after the injections, I was still regretting it, but I felt I looked somewhat normal again.

This was on Monday, and I am doing this blog post on Friday. The injection marks are still slightly swollen, but I feel normal again, and my lips aren’t huge, which is great. Overall, I’m still on the fence about doing it again, so I’ll have to wait a few weeks to see if this will become a regular part of my beauty maintenance.

Before and After Juvederm

Before and After Juvederm

Orly Pink Noise

I was taking pics for my jewelry line, and needed a nice shade of polish to photograph the rings. Being a hand model comes in handy when needing pictures of rings on hands, LOL! I went with Orly Pink Noise.

It’s more of a peachy shade of pink than a bubblegum pink, which went nicely with the rose gold rings.

Orly Pink Noise

Orly Pink Noise

What's Going On In My Brain Since Covid-19 Hit

2020 began totally normal, WELL normal as could be given the state of the world at that time. After a busy 2019, including a stellar holiday season on Amazon Handmade, I was doing my usual second peak season with Valentine’s Day, and spring events on the horizon. I made a spontaneous decision to take a short Vegas trip in March. At that point, Covid-19, aka Coronavirus, aka The Rona, or as I like to say, “The Ronies” was serious, but not THAT serious. I had an appointment with my orthodontist to get some x-rays I needed to take to my dentist (not the same) and after the appointment, I made my way to Wegmans to go grocery shopping. I didn’t plan on buy that much, since a vacation was on the horizon, however, once I arrived, I noticed the parking lot was pretty full for a midday Thursday, and the place was packed!

People were panic-buying groceries, so, I got scared, and I panic-shopped too. When I got to the toilet paper aisle, it was wiped clean. (no pun intended) I left Wegmans, and went to Shoprite, their toilet paper supply was also depleted. Why were people buying so much toilet paper???? I wasn’t short on toilet paper, because I began stockpiling emergency supplies years ago. But I didn’t want to NOT have a huge toilet paper stock. I made the decision to cancel my Vegas plans that night. It was going to be my first Vegas trip, and we were planning on enjoying the strip, as well as the Grand Canyon, but once March Madness was cancelling, we knew Vegas was a wrap. That weekend, Vegas shutdown, as well as the rest of the country.

For me, I work from home, almost exclusively, so staying home wasn’t a big deal. New York film, TV, and model production stopped, so that segment of my life was on hold. My two businesses, T. Victoria, and Crimson Finch, are not essential products, so I wasn’t able to send products to Amazon for a while for fulfillment. It was a lot of self-reflection, quality time, and pondering life. Not being able to go out took a toll on me for the first time in my life. The inability to visit social spaces magnified how much I missed them. However, I have not been rebellious, and I took the lockdown, and social distancing seriously. Besides a few small gatherings with close family and friends, I have not been on the “open everything up” train. And I am pro mask! After a couple months of extra wine, and larger than normal meals, I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and I was finally able to get back to work!

I made the decision to expand T. Victoria, and turn it into a boutique. This new chapter has been a great process, and learning is one of my favorite experiences. We’ve been doing photoshoots at home with my camera, and the pictures have been phenomenal!

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My Style Philosophy

This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I receive a small commission for items purchase through these links.

When I shop, I usually go for styles that are timeless, and classic. I try to stay away from pieces that are too trendy, because I want a wardrobe that never goes out of style. My aesthetic tends to be on the feminine, elegant side, but every now and then, I’ll choose something sexy. For years, I bought most of my wardrobe from Victoria’s Secret, but since they stopped making clothes, I’ve had to search for other brands.

So far, my new go-to brands are Venus, American Rag from Macys, Fashion Nova, and Shein. One of my “uniforms” is a simple solid colored form fitting dress, and a sweater. I pair them with tights and boots, or other shoes when the weather gets warm. It’s a great look that can be cost-effective, and stylish. I’m not a fan of patterns, unless they are stripes, floral, houndstooth, paisley, or plaid. This is mainly because it’s easier to pair those patterns with different pieces to create new looks. Bold patterns tend to be more recognizable, and it becomes much more obvious when you re-wear those pieces. I’m also not big on vibrant colors, or anything neon. I can safely say I don’t own ONE piece of neon clothing.

Crop tops have made a comeback in recent years. Although I do have a flat stomach, I haven’t quite jumped on the crop top bandwagon, other than sports bras, but I plan to this upcoming warm season. It’s still pretty chilly in good ole New Jersey, but the warm days are coming.

An easy way to look put together is to buy clothes that are flattering to your figure. Here is a romantic top I ordered from Shein

Shop For The Latest Fashion Trends!

My New Favorite Red Nail Polish

I’ve always loved a great red nail. I think red nails are very classic and feminine. Over the years, I’ve gone through a few different reds. My current favorite red is Orly Namaste Not only is the color a nice, rich red, Orly’s Breathable collection is vegan, and healthy for your nails.

As always, I apply a nail strengthener before my polish, and Orly Nail Defense keeps them strong.

Once Upon A Time, I Wrote A Romantic Comedy Novel

Fairy Tale Or Finance by Tiffany V Bobb

Fairy Tale Or Finance by Tiffany V Bobb

Most aspects of my life contain some kind of fun story that led to my current state of affairs. Today’s fun story is about my first novel, Fairy Tale Or Finance. I originally wrote a 13 episode screenplay for a comedy series I planned to pitch. After its completion, I decided to condense it into a feature film. Then, I did nothing with it, and forgot about it.

About 2 years later, I randomly decided I wanted to write a book. After about 12-15 minutes of brainstorming, I remembered my screenplay, and began the process of turning a screenplay into a manuscript. Since I printed it out, I went through pages upon pages, and re-typed the story, occasionally adding, and removing various parts. So overall, it was a fun, and easy process, because the story was established.

After the screenplay became a manuscript, I went back and tweaked some scenarios, and realized I had to translate some of the dialogue, because you can’t fully grasp a story by reading a transcript of people speaking. It’s a romantic comedy, however, there is much more comedy than romance, and that was a deliberate choice.

Fairy Tale Or Finance centers on my main character, Cameran. Her personality and speaking is similar to mine, however, none of the situations have happened to me, especially having to choose between a doctor, and a stand-up comedian. Oh, that’s really the story. She is the last single girl in her group of friends, and she is in a passion-less relationship with a doctor, until she randomly meets a stand-up comedian she feels is her soulmate. (totally normal, right?)

When she is ready to dump her doctor for a stand-up comedian, her friends suggest she date them both, before throwing away the man who is perfect on paper. Again, has this scenario ever happened? Probably. Is it common? Of course not! But I thought it was a funny situation, and the comedy, including the stand-up is spectacular.

Although the choice between a doctor and a stand-up comedian is rare, one girl being the last single girl isn’t rare. I was in that position. Going to wedding after wedding, buying gifts, then baby shower, after baby shower, and buying MORE gifts, was exhausting. When we were little girls, we fantasized about our ideal husbands, what he would look like, and what our lives would entail. It’s not until you live, and experience life that you realize that different people have different paths, and everyone has their time. You also don’t realize the picture perfect families you see on social media, aren’t always as blissful as they seem.

Love is a journey, and a relationship requires two people who can meet each other’s needs and wants, and are dedicated to building and maintaining a foundation.

Fairy Tale Or Finance is available in print, and Kindle on Amazon, and Barnes And Noble

Orly Lucid Dream

As a hand model, I can’t have gel nails, but I love keeping my nails painted. I went through an era of red nails, but I’m venturing out of my comfort zone, and trying new colors. One of my favorites is Orly Lucid Dream.

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Christmas Decor

I was the first person on my street to put up my Christmas decorations, (Veteran’s Day to be exact) and I am very proud of that. I did gold, brown, and red outside. The lights are solar, because I am not about that electric wire life.

I like tone on tone decor, and my living and dining room are shades of taupe, cream, gray, and cream, with silver accents. My Christmas decor is silver. I was considering blue and silver, but when I started putting up the silver, the blue just didn’t fulfill my expectations. So silver it was!


Real Hair, Stunt Hair, and Everything In Between

This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I receive a small commission on products purchased from the links in my blog posts.

In my last post, I gave you a modified version of my natural hair journey. In this post, I’ll go into greater detail of how I discovered what works for me, which products I use, and my stunt hair…aka wigs.

The first step in deciding to go natural is mentally preparing for the change. It’s a major transition to go from one hair regimen, to uncharted waters. I’ve never had a negative opinion of women who care about our physical appearance. I guess I have to care more since technically, my job is to look like me, but even before it was, I was always into hair, beauty, and fashion. As long as you are kind and respectful towards others, your effort into your appearance shouldn’t be criticized. We all want to look in the mirror, love what we see, and shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

The second step in going natural is deciding your next hairstyle goal. I think locs look fabulous, but they are not something I chose for my hair, because they are permanent. There is no turning back, and I need the option to have some variety depending on the occasion, and my mood. I loved the defined fros, and was determined to have mine. One of the roadblocks to natural hair is the incredible amount of shrinkage. So although my hair was a certain length, it took some time before I was able to have volume.

The post-wash application of products has remained the same in terms of the type of products I use, however, I’ve been trying new products pretty consistently for the past 4 years. Yes, I am an admitted product junky. I was a product junky before going natural, and I am a still a product junky, although, not nearly as bad. The first product post-wash is a leave-in spray. My current go-to is Creme Of Nature Strength And Shine leave-in conditioner. Then, I apply a cream. I have tried around 10 different creams, but my current favorite is Kinky Curly Knot Today Then comes the gel. I did finger coils for a few months, until I ventured into my next regimen. My path to a nice full defined fro was the wash and “go”. I put “go” in quotations, because there is absolutely NOTHING go about a wash and “go”. After using a wide toothed comb, applying the leave-in, and the cream, I brush using a Denman brush, before applying my gel.

Without further ado, here are my gel findings. The wrong gel will result in flaking. I remember my finger coil days, and spending around 40 minutes coiling my entire head, wrapping up my hair with a satin scarf, and waking up the next day expecting to break apart my coils, and reveal greatness. To my shock and dismay, my coils were full of flakes, and looked absolutely ridiculous! All that work, and my hair looked dirty, and terrible. I then learned that all gels are not created equal, and you may have to play around with different gel and cream combos to see which products work well together. So far, the two gels winning the Tiffany V Bobb gel Hunger Games are Kinky Curly Curling Custard, and Eco Styler Argan Oil Gel, aka…the yellow one. I have to shingle my hair to get the nicely formed curls, and when I’m finished shingling, I’ll do my makeup. It’s best to air dry for the most part, but I don’t always have time for that. After doing my makeup, I’ll blow dry my hair with a diffuser, then pick out the roots with a comb to create that good volume. I learned the hard way that touching the curls before they are completely dry causes frizz. I sleep with my hair pulled up, and under a satin scarf. It morphs to a sculpture overnight, and I can pull it out to shape it in the morning. However, that fresh defined look does not work for more than one day. I usually brush the edges up and do a high poof for the next 3 days until I wash again. If I’m doing a high poof, I’ll spray the roots with a water bottle, brush them, and use the Eco Styler Krystal Gel, aka…the clear one, to slick the roots. I have bleached the ends of my hair, and it’s the first time I’ve been able to have my real hair colored, because I was always cautious of breakage from bleached hair on top of chemically straightened hair. My roots, are colored with Wella Color Charm Demi-Permanent Dark Brown, because these little things called “grey hair” sneak in from time to time. It’s quite the process to keep the color just on the roots, so it doesn’t run down and darken my ends.

Stunt hair…aka wigs are a convenient way to change my look, or be lazy when it comes to hair. I was opposed to fake hair growing up, and didn’t even use clip-ins until my late 20s. However, they have become a regular part of my hair routine. In fact, I’ve been wearing my stunt hair for a full month an a half since it turned cold. My new favorite wig is the Original Queen Kinky Curly human hair lacefront. I’ve ordered two, one in 16 inches, and one in 18 inches. They look fabulous, and I have no problem telling people it’s fake. I’ve gotten many compliments, and they are easy to take care of. I cut the lace close to the hairline, however, I do NOT glue my wigs down. I am terrified of ruining my edges, and refuse to be edgeless, so I pull my real hair up in the front to cover the front of the wig, and it blends well. I spray them with a water bottle, brush with my Denman, and apply Creme Of Nature Twist And Curl Pudding. They get fuller as they dry, and of course, the dryer curly hair gets, the bigger it gets.

Halloween is over, so it's Christmas!

I’m not a Halloween person, but I am a decorations person (duh!) On September 1st, I put my fall wreath on the door, and put pine cones in the lanterns on my lawn. Then came the pumpkins. I stuck with small pumpkins this year, and put them on the coffee table. But on October 31st, I felt the sudden urge to start decorating for Christmas.

I know that sounds ridiculous, but I figure if I’m going to do all that decorating, I want to look at it for more than 6 weeks. I used to wait until Black Friday. Then I bumped it up to Thanksgiving. Last year, I bumped it up to the day before Thanksgiving. This year was especially exciting, because it’s the first year after my home renovations are complete, and the house is fully furnished.

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